Yesterday either the city or Toronto Hydro went through and replaced the streetlights in my neighbourhood. This seemed good, keep the lights working. Then night fell, and while walking to bed I wondered why there was a car with xenon headlights on my front lawn pointing its headlights at my bathroom. That was the only logical reason I could think of for my bathroom to be so bright. It wasn't a car. It was the new streetlights. My entire street now looks like a sports field.
Here is Palmerston, a nice street with pretty street lights (much prettier than ours):
Here is Markham, with the sports field effect:
I took those two pictures on the same camera, with the same settings. I exported them both using the same white balance value. Full resolution options are posted at smugmug. I have emailed Toronto 311, who has forwarded me on to Toronto Hydro. In the meantime I'm going to need upgraded blinds, and to start wearing my sunglasses at night.
I like this because you have great visibility at night when you are driving