The full title should read: People I want to learn from in the PHP Community Day 1 - Cal Evans.

I think I really decided I wanted to learn more from Cal last year at ZendCon. His opening comments before keynotes were spot on, and had me sitting there a bit envious: how could I lead into a conference so well? I think his magic trick was, he always made his opening comments about you, the audience; as opposed to him, the important guy up their on stage. While this pattern makes perfect sense, it’s not something I’ve mastered.

Since those great moments at ZendCon, I’ve noticed something else about Cal. He’s almost universally positive. Follow him on twitter, note his "good morning" messages, his complimentary links to other people’s blog posts and comments, and other random promotions. He’s just an all around positive guy, always seeking to boost up those around him. Saying that may, at first glance, make some of his comments seem insincere, (the problem with setting goals like "To compliment my co-workers more often") but having met Cal, it’s not. That’s just who Cal is.

Cal: I’d like to learn more from you.

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So honest - so heart-warming... I don't know Cal Evans so I want to learn from you Paul, you make PHP fun and you take it serious.. you rock star;)

Your captcha reminds me of a mcdonalds playground for some reason.
#1 Laurei (Homepage) on 2009-04-08 14:57 (Reply)

+1. Cal is always so cheerful it's impossible not to enjoy his company.

Congrats on the new job, by the way.
#2 Laura Thomson on 2009-04-08 20:22 (Reply)

Yes, Cal is awesome. Already thought he was back when I only met him at conferences, and now that I work with him on an almost daily basis, the promises hold; awesome guy to work with and have as a friend.
#3 Ivo (Homepage) on 2009-04-09 08:03 (Reply)

Enclosing asterisks marks text as bold (*word*), underscore are made via _word_.
Standard emoticons like :-) and ;-) are converted to images.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
