I've been doing a lot of development lately with files being saved on a network machine running Linux, this has made testing really easy as the Linux box pretty closely matches the production machine. I had however run into a problem where the copy of Subversion that came installed with OSX was too old to work with the server. This is easily resolved. Head over to CollabNet and download the subversion package, install it, then just point Komodo (or whatever other tool you're using) at the new location.

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I'm sure you've seen it but I use Versions App. It comes with 1.4.6 and 1.5.4.
#1 Jason B on 2009-04-01 22:54 (Reply)

Actually, I hadn't seen Versions App, but I'm really looking to stick with command line for now (especially in this case since i'm just trying to better support Komodo here).

I've got freinds who aren't at one with SVN so I might send them that way.

#2 Paul Reinheimer (Homepage) on 2009-04-02 00:51 (Reply)

SCPlugin is another good Mac Subversion Client. I use NetBeans, and I always got the 'your SVN client is too old...blah blah blah'.

I ended up writing a little internal tutorial for my company (a little dumbed down...OK, A LOT dumbed down. I work with designers, and this is a cut and paste :-) ):

Configuring Subversion for Macs
- Upgrade your subversion client to 1.5.x
-- If you have root permissions on your machine, do the following:
--- Open the Terminal App
--- Type cd /usr/local/bin
--- Type rm -rf svn*
--- Type cd /usr/bin
--- Type mkdir subversionfiles
--- Type mv svn* subversionfiles/
--- Type mv subversionfiles /
What this does is removes the current subversion binaries for all users, and moves the subversion binaries for the system. This way, in case something is not working, the binaries can be moved back.

- Fetch the subversion installer package from Collabnet.

- Run the installer package

- Verify that the new subversion binaries exist.
-- In the Terminal App, type cd /usr/local/bin
-- Type grep svn*. This should produce the following output:
--- Binary file svnadmin matches
--- Binary file svndumpfilter matches
--- Binary file svnlook matches
--- Binary file svnserve matches
--- Binary file svnsync matches
--- Binary file svnversion matches

- Copy the new subversion binaries into the system binaries
-- In the Terminal App, type cp svn* /usr/bin/
-- Navigate to the system binary folder by typing cd /usr/bin
-- Verify that the binaries are there by typing grep svn*. This should produce the following output:
--- Binary file svnadmin matches
--- Binary file svndumpfilter matches
--- Binary file svnlook matches
--- Binary file svnserve matches
--- Binary file svnsync matches
--- Binary file svnversion matches

If all the above operations performed successfully, congratulations: you've updated your subversion client. You can remove the folder /subversionfiles (preferably once the new subversion has performed a checkout and commit...just to be sure)
#3 Steve High on 2009-04-02 02:36 (Reply)

Enclosing asterisks marks text as bold (*word*), underscore are made via _word_.
Standard emoticons like :-) and ;-) are converted to images.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
