I’ve been working on yet another side project (too many!), and got a fair amount of work done during recent flights this holiday season. I started working at 30,000ft so I was lacking in the Internet access department. Luckily(?) I had my Subversion check out of Zend Framework, so I just used it.

This morning I spent an hour or so debugging a problem where a certain control (Zend_Form) was printing out a debug type message, and I couldn’t figure out why.

Well, the why is, it’s a subversion checkout, not a release!

Always use a real release.

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#1 gnimyn (Homepage) on 2008-12-31 23:40 (Reply)

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#2 aovdaq (Homepage) on 2009-01-01 08:05 (Reply)

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#3 qknmuww (Homepage) on 2009-01-02 02:29 (Reply)

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#4 klacytk72 (Homepage) on 2009-01-04 12:18 (Reply)

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#5 cuttingmarlee1147 (Homepage) on 2009-01-04 12:32 (Reply)

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Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
