I ended up taking several months off development of Natural Load Testing. I needed to wait while my partner improved the software we actually use to apply the load (it’s ready now), then I was caught up in other projects like the Where’s it Up API, and Where’s it Fast. Coming back to it was fantastically revealing: it was very hard to use.

Looking back, I can see why we made many of the decisions that I now identify as making it hard to use. Most of them were about offering power or flexibility to our end users: I think creation of ‘tests’ and ‘test suites’ is a great example.

Users create tests, then put those tests into test suites: this allows for complex and powerful interactions where virtual users register for a site, then perform one of several different actions, before closing out. A sample load test might be Surf -> Register -> [Search to product OR Browse to product -> Add to shopping card -> Checkout. We can handle that, and I’m proud that we can handle that.

Unfortunately, it means that users getting started who may only want to load test “Register” have to jump through four additional complicated steps before getting the answers they want.

In order to provide the Power that “Power Users” will want, I’ve added tremendous complexity to the product that we present to every user. Since every user will start off as a “New User” I’ve burdened everyone with a complicated interface all in the name of power.

The Challenge

I value the power we’ve built into the product, and I know the few users who have managed the hurdles to get there value it as well. I don’t want to remove it, but I need to do something to allow users who don’t require that power to have an easier time load testing their sites. I’m currently using a few different techniques:

  • More contextual internal links
    Allow users who have missed a step to easily jump there to complete it. For example users on the Test Creation page who are missing requests are linked to the Domain Authorization page so they can add the domain they’re missing.
  • Options that allow parts of the process to be skipped
    The general work flow is Create Tests -> Create Test Suite -> Group Tests into Test Suite. Allow users to create a Test, and a Test Suite containing only that Test in one step, rather than four.
  • More Ajax
    By allowing users to correct omitted steps on the page they’re on, the system can avoid breaking their flow, or forcing them to restart.

It’s a work in progress (clearly) but I’m already finding the site easier to use… though, that may have been the problem in the first place. :)

My New Goal

Provide everyone with the power to perform complex actions, while burdening them with as little complexity as possible.

Calling a phone number on a website, and being asked to punch in numbers or say key words to navigate arcane menus to the person or department you need is silly. If you're already on a high bandwidth system that excels in information display, how is it sensible to be transferred to a low bandwidth system before making decisions?

The average person speaks at 120-150 words per minute, and reads at 250-300 words per minute. So even before any other consideration the user will be able to move through information twice as fast on the website as over the phone. But it’s much much larger than that. With the written word it’s incredibly easy to skim, or skip entire sections you know to be irrelevant, on the phone you’re forced to hear all options that precede the one you’re interested in. It’s also possible to jump between options as you evaluate them against your needs.


I could navigate that in seconds with great accuracy, and have the ability to jump around while I look for the best choice. I'd actually buy a different phone number for every possible end point (rather than requiring a separate #[code], but even with this it's a vast improvement. I think I’ve only ever seen PayPal do something similar with their web authentication codes for calling in.

There’s been an issue on Natural Load Testing (our fantastic web application load testing tool) for a while now, we’ve been referring to it as the Double Stacked Graph. Normally the graphs should look like this, kindly sharing the load testing results with the end user, hopefully being both easy to start with and powerful as usage grows.

Unfortunately, what we’ve been seeing occasionally is the dreaded Double Stack: Here you can see that there is two stacked red bars on top of each other. They represent the exact same space in time, but the data is being added to the graph twice for some reason.

Initially I expected that this was an issue with me handling the updates to the graph with ajax poorly. We had an issue with Where’s it Up for a while where results were duplicated. This was the result of asking the server for “new” results every second by passing the server the list of results already obtained. If a request took more than a second to complete, the following request (initiated while the first was outstanding) would be initiated with the same list of previously obtained results, so the server would obligingly return the same “new” results to both requests.

It turned out however that this wasn’t the problem at all, having learned from the Where’s it Up issue I’d coded those ajax requests more carefully. It turns out that the issue had to do with how I was communicating with MySQL. Each time the graph updates it asks for results with a timestamp newer than the newest data it has. The exact query is something like this:

$query = "SELECT `ts` as `timestamp`, `active_requests`, `requests_initiated`, `median_response`, `running_workers`, `bytes_transferred` FROM `test_results_stats` WHERE `job_id` = '$job_id' AND `ts` > '$minTime' LIMIT 2";

The issue here turns out to be the fact that I'm quoting $minTime. Take a look at these results: mysql> CREATE TABLE `test_decimal` ( -> `job_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, -> `ts` decimal(13,3) NOT NULL -> ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO `test_decimal` VALUES -> ('9_0209_511673437c4dd', 1360425827.491), -> ('9_0209_511673437c4dd', 1360425828.491), -> ('9_0209_511673437c4dd', 1360425829.491), -> ('9_0209_511673437c4dd', 1360425830.492); Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec) Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> SELECT * from `test_decimal` WHERE `ts` > '1360425827.491' LIMIT 2; +----------------------+----------------+ | job_id | ts | +----------------------+----------------+ | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425827.491 | | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425828.491 | +----------------------+----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * from `test_decimal` WHERE `ts` > 1360425827.491 LIMIT 2; +----------------------+----------------+ | job_id | ts | +----------------------+----------------+ | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425828.491 | | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425829.491 | +----------------------+----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

While using the greater than operator, I’m obtaining results that are equal if the term I’m comparing against is quoted. Without the quotes it performs as expected. This confused me greatly, I’ve been told countless times that I can quote my variables in MySQL to no ill effect, in fact I probably should if I’m not using paramaterized queries for increased security.

The crux of the issue will come down to MySQL’s Type Conversion rules. It must be converting the two values to float to handle the quoted comparison, though I may be at a loss to describe why they’re converted differently. By not quoting the decimal value I allow the comparison to occur between decimal values, and obtain the desired result.


A few people have commented (either here or elsewhere) about MySQL versions. I just re-confirmed the test with the newest MySQL Debian would give me: mysql> SELECT * from `test_decimal` WHERE `ts` > '1360425827.491' LIMIT 2; +----------------------+----------------+ | job_id | ts | +----------------------+----------------+ | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425827.491 | | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425828.491 | +----------------------+----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%"; +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | protocol_version | 10 | | version | 5.1.66-0+squeeze1-log | | version_comment | (Debian) | | version_compile_machine | i486 | | version_compile_os | debian-linux-gnu | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Or our Percona server (issue resolved): mysql> SELECT * from `test_decimal` WHERE `ts` > '1360425827.491' LIMIT 2; +----------------------+----------------+ | job_id | ts | +----------------------+----------------+ | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425828.491 | | 9_0209_511673437c4dd | 1360425829.491 | +----------------------+----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%"; +-------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+------------------------------------+ | innodb_version | 1.1.8-rel29.4 | | protocol_version | 10 | | slave_type_conversions | | | version | 5.5.29-29.4-log | | version_comment | Percona Server (GPL), Release 29.4 | | version_compile_machine | x86_64 | | version_compile_os | Linux | +-------------------------+------------------------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
