Seven Things

- I've lived in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montréal, Bergen, and New York.
While I learned to love big cities in New York, I intend to raise a family in the 'burbs or some rural area, just as soon as that family thing
gets started.

  • Photography, Running, and Cooking bring me surprising amounts of joy.
    Photography tends to be one of my few artistic outlets, it's great. The effort of running tends to center my mind, and work off some of this fat (I'm not fat mind you, simply drought and famine resistant). I love cooking, I want a garden.
  • I've managed a retail store, selling such wondrous items as: the flowbee, set it and forget it, turbie twist, and ginsu knives (but this method doesn't work with a tomato).
    Not only did I work there, I also did demonstrations, or "showcasing", it was quite exciting. For a time I could solve strange golf ball in a snow globe puzzles while hanging upside down on an inversion table in under 30 seconds (in fact that feat was televised).
  • I generally dislike ingesting warm liquid.
    Soups, coffee, etc. Not really a fan. I'll drink tea to be sociable.
  • I completed the second year of a two year computer programming program at Sheridan College while I was in High School.
    Night classes for the win. I was quite the hot shot Visual Basic developer for a time.
  • I own a 50" Television, but have no cable or satellite subscription.
    Cable company is stupid, I'm giving the money they were getting to World Vision instead.
  • Wearing that Kiss costume was actually my idea. As was the make up.
    I'm sorry. In particular I'm sorry to Marco's children, who (if I understand this correctly) cried a little when they saw the pictures.

My 7 Tags:
The first 7 people who read this (who haven't been tagged already). Leave a comment with your name in the comments. I have server logs, and we have.. people. Don't not leave a comment and think you can get away with it. We will find you.


  1. Christine(Post in comments)
  2. Philippe Gamache
  3. Jeremy Glover
  4. Jake Smith (Post in comments)
  5. Edwin F (Post in comments)
  6. Stuart Herbert

Yet another hour burned debugging some weird issue. Let me give you the short version.

Imagine a script executed in a dispatch-method like manner (so calls to, and all go to the same script). It stores the value (12 in the last example) in a session for later use. Printing out that value on the page, doing weird things with it, etc. all work. You always get 12. Even printing out the value from the session as the last thing in the script then exiting, you still get 12. Load up another page, you get 0.

Is that even possible?

It turns out what was happening was my script was displaying information in a template, that was including another resource (say <img src=”image.png” />). The browser was obligingly requesting, which was re-executing the script, casting image.png over to an integer, resulting in a 0.

The fundamental stumbling block in my diagnosis of the issue was that I saw my browser making two requests, the first when I was being presented with a 12, the second when I was shown a 0. In fact my browser was making three requests, the first directly at my request for the page (setting the value), the second by my implied request to retrieve a referenced image (resetting the value), the third for the page showing zero.

Things that helped me debug the issue: IRC, (Daniel Banck in #zftalk), and Christine

Things I should have used, Firebug or Dragonfly to watch the requests go by.

Something I would love to have: An application that watched a file on disk, reporting all versions of the file over time. tail -f wont work as the file is a single line long, the line is changed but no new lines are added. I’m aware of similar tools for windows, none for mac/linux.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
