We talk a lot about our environmental, or ecological footprint. How much of the Earth is required to support our current lifestyles. If you live in North America, it’s probably quite huge.

I’ve been working the past few weeks to reduce my Internet footprint. No, I’m not trying to delete those Kiss pictures from a few years back. I am trying to reduce the number of bits being thrown around on my account.

I’ve unsubscribed from a few mailing lists I don’t actually read, I’ve taken the time to unsubscribe from probably 10-20 different corporate lists that I don’t actually care about. All in all, that was probably a couple of megs of traffic a day that I wasn’t using, that I just trimmed off in terms of consumption.

In the finest stylings of modern journalism, I’ll fake some “Back of the Envelope” math, and state that “If everyone cut their useless traffic consumption in half during the Month of march we will Save the Internet, cute puppies, and the rain forest.” Additionally, we will waste less brain power on things we’re don’t care about.

So, March is cut your useless bits month

  • Unsubscribe from mailing lists and RSS feeds you don’t actually care about
  • Tell that company that you ordered one thing from back when, and have no intention of doing business with again to piss off.
  • Ensure your browser has sufficient cache space, so you’re not grabbing the same images for no reason.

If you woke up this morning telling yourself "Gee Whiz, if I could just hear Paul Reinheimer speak, boy-howdy my life would be complete" I have great news for you, also tragic news (it’s not the 1960 anymore), but mostly great news. I’ll be speaking at the Burlington Vermont user group this month. This will be my new talk “The easy problems are Hard, and in-depth look at issues in web security” and it’s one that I’m actually pretty excited about. I’ll be taking a look at issues like Logins, File Uploads, and Sessions, they seem rather easy on the surface, but there’s a lot of depth there.

Next, I will also be speaking in Amsterdam this year, at the Dutch PHP Conference. Random Trivia: I’m one quarter Dutch. I will be giving the aforementioned security talk, as well as my State & Ajax talk out there. This is my first professional trip to Europe and I’m quite excited, hopefully I will have a chance to meet people I’ve worked with online who haven’t made it this way across the ocean yet.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
