PHP|Architect has announced their Call For Papers for the upcoming PHP|Tek conference, which will be taking place in Chicago from May 16-18, once again there will be a pre-conference day of tutorials on the 15th.

Some people may be confused by the switch to Chicago, after-all the |Tek conference had a very successful run in Orlando last year, however the move will brings two big advantages, first Chicago is ridiculously easy to get to, serving as a hub for at least one major airline, second the location that's lined up for this year is able to hold a lot more people, last years conference sold out a month in advance which was both good (hey PHP conferences are popular!) and heartbreaking for those who couldn't make it.

So go submit your talk proposals (I already did!) and start bugging your boss to send you to a great conference!

Well, now that I’m a full time employee somewhere, with business contacts, meetings and out of town travel I think it’s time to bite the bullet and get an orgainser, though I refuse to actually be organized.

Anyways, I’m looking for an organizer that will sync with my new MacBook Pro, preferably using some software that interacts with Google Calendar (which I think iCal will do). I’m not sure if I want an awesome phone with a built in calendar or just an organizer, feel free to convince me. I don’t need games, or music, I have an iPod, a DS, an SP and a PS, so that’s all taken care of. If it’s going to have a phone, one that works globally with my Fido simm card would be best.

Tips? Ones I should avoid?


I've been told I want a Treo 650, works for me


Just a quick note for anyone out there who has my book and is still struggling because they don't have the code download. I'm not quite sure why it's not on the Wiley site yet, but if you email me I will reply post-haste with the zip.

Sorry for any problems this has caused anyone :-(


(paul AT preinheimer DOT com)

Now that I've started working with PHP|Architect I've decided to run a little contest in the forums, don't tell Marco though, it's entirely possible I should have asked first.

Anyways, I've made a small post to the general forum at PHP|Arch asking people to post a link to any side projects they might be currently working on.

The author (or authors) of the one(s) i like best will receive a free copy of my book, signed if so desired.

Anyways, I'm just asking for a link to whatever you're working on already, so there's no effort required, go post!

If you listen very closely I’m sure you can hear the sound of network executives pacing in their living or board rooms, furling a brow, or twisting an innocent paperclip in worry. This new internet thing, combined with products like TiVO, off the shelf PVRs and this downloading thing.

I don’t watch a lot of TV, and it’s not because I don’t like it, or can’t afford it (we have a decent digital cable package) it’s because it’s not worth my time and brain power to figgure out when these freaking shows are on. Okay, so my favourite show is normally on, on tuesdays, at 8:00pm. Except now it’s taking a hiatus for some playoffs and the american thanksgiving, then it will be back, on a different night at a different time. But it doesn’t really start at 8:00, it starts at some point between 7:57->8:03 because the networks purposefully screw up their clocks to mess with people using PVRs. This means that if you want to watch two shows in back to back time-slots on different networks it’s entirely possible to miss the first five minutes of the later show. Once you actually manage to find the right show at the right time on the right channel you’re forced to endure commercials equalized to the maximum possible volume. Even then every week or three they randomly insert a re-run just to keep you on your toes.

So my two options for tv watching are to either pay a lot of money for cable, then be lured into some semblance of a schedule only to be lied to by the networks about start times, facing interruptions in the show designed to prolong short seasons across longer periods of time. Or I can use the internet I’m already paying for to quickly and easily download and watch the shows I'm interested in, on my own terms.

They should be worried, the illegal option is faster, easier & cheaper, I’ve got ethics but come on now, throw me a bone. Just buying DVDs is attractive, but they need to realize that will never sell me on a new show, and House won’t last forever.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
