The Co-Op newsletter I get whenever they feel like emailing it to me is probably the most useless thing I get emailed about. It never has any usefull information for me, it is usually just a waste of space. This time it included a great little tidbit of information:
Our Employer Relations Team participated in a day retreat at Iona College on July 8, 2004. They were successfully able to develop a new base strategy for each of the of the Fall, Winter & Summer terms. Implementation of the strategy is already underway.
which I would summarize as 'We took a day off and came up with a new plan, since obviously the last ones aren't working'. I would support that 'aren't working' part by the stats found later on in the newsletter
Round one placement stats, Engineering-33, Businesss-15, Computer Science-7,Human Kinetics -7 MBA – 3
There are a lot more than 7 students in computer sceince, there was probably closer to 40 in my year, so thats like a %25 placement rate. Oh joy.

I just watched a long 'interview' with a representative from the Democratic Party here in the US. I take issue with a couple of their points, mainly on problems with the implementation.

Continue reading "PBS Interview with a Democratic Representative"

This has got to be the easiest game show out there, I've known all of the answers so far, and I didn't spend a week studying with provided materials.

That, and this whole throwing the ring into the center thing is really lame.

Damn, these contestents are really dumb.

Update: The tension is so false, I think there is more tension during Sesame Street's 'One of these things is not like the other'.

12 soft dimpled babyhands, wrists removed

12 large bay scallops

2 cloves garlic chopped

1 tsp. ginger

salt/pepper to taste

large pineapple chunks

large red pepper chunks

Mix garlic, ginger and scallops together and let sit for 20 minutes.

Taking long metal skewers (or alternatively bamboo skewers that have

been soaked in water for an hour), thread them thusly:

red pepper, babyhand (palm up), scallop (nestling each in the palm),

pineapple, repeating in this order till filled. End with a piece of red pepper

to secure and salt and pepper to taste.

Grill over medium high coals, turning often for even browning,

til the babyhands curl around each scallop and the nails pop off

(should be approx. 8 to 10 minutes depending on the age

and size of the hands).

Have a spraybottle of water handy for those annoying greasy flareups.

Serve with a green salad and a bottle of white wine and plenty of

crusty garlic bread to sop up those delicious juices.

As always with a Friday Freakage (though late this week), oddity is the goal, this I found on a random website

Well, it was time to update phpBB yet again with the latest security fixes, so off I went like a good little administrator to apply the patch.

However, I was the unhappy recipant of many 'Hunk Failed' messages during the patch. No, that wasn't some odd expectation on the part of the software to find some buff guy at the keyboard, it means that it wasn't able to apply the patch successfully. The error was returned on many files.

Here is the rejected file showing what wen't wrong


6,12 ****
copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
email :

$Id: viewonline.php,v 2002/12/02 10:53:42 bartvb Exp $


--- 6,12 ----
copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
email :

$Id: viewonline.php,v 2004/07/11 16:46:17 acydburn Exp $


Patch was expecting to find the top bit, and replace it with the bottom bit. However, it found (this is from another file) the below:

begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
email :

$Id: viewonline.php,v 1.2 2004/05/07 18:59:54 paul Exp $


Thats right, I got 16 hunk failed messages because while fixing some other stuff or adding in support for Affero, I changed the comment to have my name. Oh no. Because of that I have to apply most of these patches manually, oh joy of joys.

So, I went through, switched all the comments back to what it was expecting them to be, and went on my merry way.

I really wish there was a way (there may be, i just don't know it), to modify the warning level of various hunk failed messages. For instance, it should only be some sort of a note if the line in question falls between / and /, or is on a line starting with //.

In the past week at eDonkey we have gotten a lot more 'real' press coverage than in the average year. First Wired wrote a story on us late last week, pretty decent. Then Reuters did a little news item about us, that may actually have been syndicated to wherever you are, finally USA Today wrote us up in a quick piece.

I don't really want to harp on USA Today too much, but news outlets in general need to get their act together. It is "eDonkey" not "EDONKEY", "EDonkey" or "edonkey" (though out of the wrong capitalization methods the last one is preferred). USA Today actually switched back and forth between eDonkey and EDonkey, which not only shows a lack of research, but poor copy editing.

Does anyone else remember the days when CD burners took an hour (or half an hour) to burn a CD? Before you burned an audio CD you had to use WinAMP to conver the .mp3s to .wav for burning. You were the only guy on your block with a burner?

Ahh, those were the days :-)

Here is an interesting little thing that I picked up a couple weeks ago, it makes sense now that I think about it, but at the time it was kind of annoying.

Lets say you have a small peice of code like this

$pet_count = 3;

$animal_type = "cat";

echo "Adopt another $animal_type so you have " . $pet_count + 1 . " pets";


You would expect the output to be
Adopt another cat so you have 4 pets

But what you get is
1 pets

Here's why:

When PHP looks at that big echo string, it starts putting it togethor left to right. So it takes the first string, and appends $pet_count to it, leaving you with
Adopt another cat so you have 3in the workspace so far, then it tries to add 1. PHP is pretty inteligent about finding numbers in strings, however it also reads left to right so it isn't going to find anything usefull. Since the search yeilded nothing, you start with 0 and add the 1 you have indicated for addition (all the text is lost) then appends 'pets' to the end. Leaving you with '1 pets'.

How to fix it

Whenever you are doing anything other than straight string concatonation, encase it in brackets. So you end up with
echo "Adopt another $animal_type so you have " . ($pet_count + 1) . " pets"; and all will be well.

Ever actually read your spam, its pretty funny.

The claims seem really weird, losing 40-70% of your fat under your skin on your entire body, then losing only 20-30% in your abdominal region would result in your abs looking fatty, since you lost more fat everywhere else.
Hello, I have a special offer for you...


The most powerful weightloss is now available

without prescription. All natural Adipren720

100% Money Back Guarantée!

- Lose up to 19% Total Body Weight.

- Up to 300% more Weight Loss while dieting.

- Loss of 20-35% abdominal Fat.

- Reduction of 40-70% overall Fat under skin.

- Increase metabolic rate by 76.9% without Exercise.

- Burns calorized fat.

- Suppresses appetite for sugar.

- Boost your Confidence level and Self Esteem.

Get the facts about all-natural Adipren720:

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Users construct resources mechanism produced provide Provider's Locale]

Discussion case own format please sending subject same

disparate generally selection Draft management inherent display only

I went to Jones Beach yesterday, and I think it was probably the best day I have had so far this year.

Getting there was a bit of a pain in the ass. I walked about five blocks in the wrong direction to buy some sunscreen ($8.00 for a regular sized bottle, whoa), took the Q one block to Prospect park, transferred to the Shuttle to Franklin Ave, transferred to the C to Broadway Junction, transferred to the J to Sulphin Blvd. Then I picked up a ticked for the Long Island Rail Road to Freeport. At Freeport I hoped onto the JB62, and finally arrived at Jones Beach.

The beach was flipping huge, as far as I could see (literally) there was beach, and people on the beach. It was just crazy.

I swam for a while, the water was nice and cool, the waves were breaking in the right spot for body surfing, I might want to pick up a Boogie Board.

After that I just sat and hung out with some guys playing guitar, good times.

I think I've acquired a good tan, so I'm no longer the pasty white computer guy, its all good.

The problem with GMail isn't that you can't get an invite. The problem is, there is no one left to invite!

A co-worker just messaged me asking if I needed an invite, I've already got two so the answer was no, he complained that everyone has an account already, which seems pretty close to the truth. My suggestion was to start inviting famous people, George Bush, The Pope, etc. I figgure there has to be some good karma in hooking the Pope up :-).

Anyways, for those of you out there without an account yet who have emailed me, I will start inviting you as soon as I get another invite.

Hi, I’m Paul Reinheimer, a developer working on the web.

I co-founded WonderProxy which provides access to over 200 proxies around the world to enable testing of geoip sensitive applications. We've since expanded to offer more granular tooling through Where's it Up

My hobbies are cycling, photography, travel, and engaging Allison Moore in intelligent discourse. I frequently write about PHP and other related technologies.
